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News. Politics. Pop Culture. Trends. Science. Philosophy. Random shit. Everything that happened last week. In about an hour every Wednesday. Last Week on Earth is the white paper cone at the center of a cotton candy world. Ben Gleib makes fun of politics on CNN & NPR, and pop culture on Chelsea Lately. On this show he does both. About every other week he also has a celebrity guest, who he talks with, mostly in English. (He apologizes to people who speak other languages, but wishes you would just get on board already.) If you’ve been in a coma for the last 7 days, this podcast will wake you up.


The world is in a crazy place right now. Everyone is so polarized, and the landscape both nationally, and globally, seems to be changing by the day. Oppressive regimes are being brought down, and we have a robot shooting lasers on Mars. In the U.S. we have a major election coming up, and just after that, according to the Mayans, the world is ending. Plus, the people in Florida are turning into zombies. Seemed like the perfect time to start a podcast.

I wanted to document and comment on all of it. To try to make some sense of this craziness, to try to give people a place they could turn every week to put it all in perspective, and at the very least, find a way to laugh at it all.

I called it “Last Week on Earth” because I cover everything that happened during the last week. And because maybe, just maybe, the Mayans were right.

Ben Gleib

For my bio, go here