Wayne Federman: Hot Liquids Pseudo Science
Former Head Writer for “Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon” Wayne Federman joins Gleib to discuss his disdain for hot LIQUIDS, how he got to know and get cast in Judd APATOW’s movies, GLEIB’S MOM ZIVA makes a surprise cameo, if billboards can watch you, Facebook’s face recognition software, what Wayne calls the pseudo science of quantum PHYSICS, Kristen Stewart cheating on Pattinson, an Indian woman posing in PLAYBOY, NCAA’s harsh Penn St. punishment, if Mitt Romney is a WIMP, the OLYMPICS opening ceremonies, the BLIND GOLD MEDALIST IN ARCHERY, London’s horny Mayor, Gay athletes crashing the Gindr app, Romney insulting London, why gun sales rise after tragedies, and Wayne and Gleib debate gun control, Wayne Shares the time he met JOHNNY CARSON, and how Seinfeld taught him to not use the F word, if dropping F bombs makes you a female comic or a black comic, Geithner covering up the LIBOR BARCLAYS scandal, a DAREDEVIL skydiving from OUTER SPACE, The Modern Family cast suing for more MONEY, Kim Jon Un Married Man, Chick-Fil-A’s anti-gay stance, how gay people could get their RIGHTS faster, Al Queda taking hold in Iraq, whether BUSH was ever elected, ways in which Gleib is not so liberal, Tony Robbins walking on HOT COALS challenge going very wrong, and what Wayne will be drinking when he dies.